Update XAMPP Portable

  1. Download XAMPP from here. At the time of this writing the version was 7.3.8
    • My computer was a 64 bit Windows 10 OS so I downloaded “xampp-portable-windows-x64-7.3.8-2-VC15“. I’ve had it for almost two years now with no problems.
  2. Extract the archive to a preferred location.
  3. Change your mysql password to what it is in the config.inc.php file.
    • open a cmd instance.
    • cd to the newly extracted mysql bin folder.
    • Type mysqladmin.exe -u root password YourPassword.
      • UPDATE: As of XAMPP 8.2.4 use:
        • mysqladmin –user=root password “newpassword”
  4. Copy the old config.inc.php file to the new phpmyadmin folder.
  5. Copy website files from old htdocs folder to new one.
  6. Replicate any changes you made in the php.ini file.
  7. Enable any extensions that were enabled in the old php.ini file and copy those extensions to the ext folder. Make sure to get the latest compatible versions.
  8. Replicate any changes to made the apache\conf folder such as changing the httpd-xampp, httpd-vhost, etc files to reflect the old one, creating any additional folders, coping ssl certificates, etc

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